Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 42-50: Las Vegas to Hoover Dam - Grand Canyon - Jackson Missi.

So I havent really been keeping up my blog lately, since my my car started to have problems in Arizona. I had to replace my brakes all round, and then found out that one of my cylinders was leaking oil so now i have to add oil every time i get gas. So i have been try to make good time and heading east.

I drove over the hoover dam, its massive and lots of concrete - takes away from the scenery of lake mead and the desert mountains - the weather was super warm though and lots of sun
Then i headed to williams Arizona after crossing the mountain time zone, then drove from 3000 ft to 7000ft up to the edge of the Crand canyon! It was amazing! the largest, most vast land form i have ever seen - it is literally an inverted mountain range! that night was -3 for the first time since Washington that it had been that cold. I hiked 6 hours into the canyon, and saw the colorado canyon from "skeleton point" its amazing how large the canyon is and how small you feel walking inside it.

Then I headed to Pheonix and finally saw those big old green cactus with the big arms - charlie got a little too close...

Then headed east to Tucsan, and El Paso Texas, to Dallas - by far the most religious place i have ever been, and through Luissianna yesterday, over the Mississippi river last night and stayed in Jackson Mississippi - today I plan to drive through Alabama, and into Atlanta Georgia - over the last time zone. Tomorrow i am going to try and make it to the East coast to Mertyle  beach in south carolina. Then north probably by next friday! I really hope that it doesnt freeze or snow in ontario since i dont have very good tires on the front of my car- they are a little worn...


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