Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 53: Peterborough, Ontario

I made it! So since Jackson Mississippi, I made good time and headed 600km east to Atlanta Georgia, It has started to get more and more like fall everyday! Very beautiful and all the leaves have turned colours (first time since washington!) The nights are starting to get near freezing, and it smells like winter is coming! I then headed South on saturday and made it to Myrtle Beach, in South Carolina! The sun was setting on the ocean and there was a fog rolling in! extremely damp and wet when i woke up on sunday! the air was very heavy and salty! i never really experienced anything like that on the west coast, and the sand/shells/sun was much different i noticed. I woke up early monday morning as I was ready to head north, but had a stroll down the beach before I left and collected a few shells and watched as an amazing display of colours occompanied the sunrise over the ocean (thats the difference of East coast to West - East has the sunrise, West is the sunset! so i got to see both..)

I drove a huge distance monday... 987km..... 11 hours of driving! haha almost rolled the trip odometer! then i slept behind an outlet mall where i found the first recycle bin for public recycling since the grand canyon! so it was good to empty my large supply of recyclables from the last week and a half...   then i went to bed...

2:00am.... SMASH SMASH SMASH... and more spotlights in my face.. scared the crap out of me again, and yes it was another police officer... and this time she didnt feel like giving me a break so she kicked me out  of the parking lot and said I wasnt allowed to sleep in private parking lots... so i left and then came back and parked 2 buildings down, she didnt come back...

Tuesday morning was super cold, my windows were frozen and i didnt sleep too much after my rude awakening lol but had a tea and checked my route and headed from Washington, DC up through Pensylvania, to New York, and then on the 401 to peterborough by 6:00pm... 844 km lol im extremely happy not to have to drive for a few days... i told my dad that I would be home friday, but suprised him on tuesday night and showed up at his work, (2 hours earlier i told him i was in virginia)... good suprise and good to him! (its been 1 year almost)

So now I am home! it seems really wierd after being away so long. Its good to be back , i have missed a lot of things, but there are many things i miss in BC for sure, mostly all the people out there! Im sure i will be back soon for a visit! thanks for following my Blog through my trip, hope it was somewhat fun to follow, and thanks for all the support!

So i made a little tally:

  • 18 states
  • 53 days
  • 4 police incidents
  • 1 tarantula, 1 snake, 3 bunnies, 6 lizards
  • canada boarder to Mexico boarder
  • pacific ocean to altantic ocean
  • 30-35 different starbucks across US
  • 3 sleeps in a bed, 7 in a tent, 43 sleeps in my car!
  • 14 300km = $740 in gas
  • 1 Computer stolen
  • 292 pictures
  • countless memories

Miss everyone!

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